Thursday, February 10, 2011

A Spy Boat Is Being Chased Down The Rier

****** (982) Parent and child protective than cagava

Lavorando in albergo ci si ritrova spesso dinnanzi a diverse situazioni che riguardano i rapporti genitori - figli dei propri ospiti e se ne vedono proprio delle belle! Genitori troppo permissivi, iperprotettivi oppure "schiavi" dei propri figli!

Si potrebbero fare alcune distinzioni tra l'atteggiamento che una famiglia ha in casa propria e quello che tiene in vacanza ma in realtà, più che "trasformazioni di comportamento" durante le ferie, se there is a change from the insistence of certain private and features privately held: permissive parents are more permissive and protective factors will be even more protective.

The result is that often the staff and other guests found them unwilling to endure the rude behavior of children or exaggerated attention of parents.

The examples are legion: from his mother who wants a thermometer to make sure the temperature of the broth with the hotel dad rages that he scolded his son for playing with the fire extinguisher, passing for parents let the children run around leaving the staff responsible for the content!

is that the waiters find themselves doing even baby-sitters, cooks should manage the digestive problems of children *, the cleaning ladies should handle children's toys

* At this point, we have a bell'aneddoto: child "not to evacuate" (obviously the mother is described by the thread and mark the rhythms of intestinal child around the room staff) and the mother says that "this has always problem and we do not understand why. " At meals the same mother claimed that her son had served only dishes prepared from recipes she provided (NB: the child is healthy and has no allergies or other problems). On the third day the cook, tired of the constant complaints about the child's mother wrong body, decided to slightly change these dishes to make them more digestible and adding a few tablespoons of olive oil (totally absent from recipes provided by the mother). Voila! That's the shit that kid is a wonder, no longer has a stomach ache and his mother is jumping for joy!. Although it was clear that the creature, once I returned home and brought back to the kitchen of his mother, would be resuming Cacarica "blocks of lead" every other day!

Here are some old bizarre about the problems between parents and children that emerge in hotels

Parents who do not care for their children
child screaming in the dining room
permissive parents
I spoiled children
yet spoiled children
Hotelier nanny?
Child householder
The advice of the pediatrician
Parents who do not control the children air
child running into the dining room
Il bambino che colora le pareti
La mamma e la piscina
Famiglia che litiga


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