Friday, February 11, 2011

How Many Days Does Chest Need

Gestione business and family relationships in

was for some time that you wanted to write a post about the relationship between economic relations and personal relationships that occur in azienda.

L'argomento non riguarda esclusivamente le realtà turistiche ma le aziende nel loro complesso, soprattutto tenendo in considerazione che la stragrande maggioranza delle aziende italiane sono a conduzione famigliare. Basta ricordare che nell'ambito della ricettività turistica oltre il 90% degli esercizi italiani sono realtà medio-piccole gestite in famiglia.

La realtà economica di un'azienda dovrebbe essere virtualmente separata dalle relazioni personali, ma é pur vero che nella vita nel suo complesso non esistono mai "realtà" del tutto scollegate le une dalle altre. Da questo point of view, large corporations are usually more "cool" and apply this distinction in a more rigid, often at the expense of human relationships (there would be some "but" about it, but we overlook) . In small to medium businesses (especially those with family) instead, you can often find the opposite extreme.

The examples are endless to mention: the employee incapable that you can not fire because the son / nephew of a family friend whom we owe a favor, the vendor that does not change because his cousin, the craftsman who did not you change it to their married sister, quarrels with his daughter (who works as a receptionist at the hotel) because the co-workers (employees) do more than leave her; envy among the staff to a colleague in private because it is a close friend of the owner's son (even if at work there are preferred) ; customer-relative who abuse the preferential treatment and so on.

These are situations that are not widely discussed in some courses in economics but who are part of the daily reality of many companies.

and it is a company big or small, all of these situations are reflected in the work and the economy company: the employee (grandson) must accompany another unable to make it unnecessary, the provider (cousin) does not offer adequate quality may make the unhappy customers, the uncle that you can not refuse a discount even if the abnormal 'company finds it difficult to afford it creates holes in the budget, etc..

We establish a delicate balance between family life and economic hard to dissolve: break off relations with the supplier-in-law, knowing that it is in financial difficulties, would lead to dramatically break relations with his sister, the grant to the daughter a number of free days equal to those of the staff could create invidia tra il personale stesso (irrazionale, si, ma comunque fonte di tensioni che é meglio non alimentare); non concedere lo sconto allo zio creerebbe litigi con i nipoti e così via.

Si può arrivare a situazioni estreme come la seguente.
Tre fratelli: Mario, Gianni e Luigi hanno una società assieme (1/3 a testa). Mario lavora in cucina, Gianni della gestione generale e Luigi degli aspetti legal-burocratici.
La nuova moglie di Mario lo aizza contro gli altri due fratelli, che le stanno antipatici, perché si assuma un aiuto cuoco in più affinché il husband works less and to dismiss a pretty maid, which he sees as a possible rival in love. Adapt to the requirements of Mario (driven by the wife) would be to hire an employee and must not unfairly dismiss an excellent waitress, oppose the company could lead to breakage.

Cases of this type are much more common than you think. Here we see the ability to distinguish each in labor relations than personal: it is enough one of the two parties is unable to make this distinction because they cause any friction or even permanent discontinuation of the relationship!


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