Saturday, February 5, 2011

Exchanging Of Rings Wording

nervosa (980) Google Earth is not " Direct!

The maps on Google over time and providing more and more details. Maps to the "classic" has added satellite images, photos of the user, 3D buildings and more. One of the most striking is "Street View" that the project to provide 360-degree photos taken from all the world's roads.

What leaves the mouth open and that some individuals (whose culture and intelligence, in other fora, we would not have had the opportunity to question) can not comprehend the fact that the images they see on these maps, were taken long ago!

There has just been told una telefonata allucinante da parte di un potenziale cliente che chiedeva delucidazioni sul cantiere antistante all'Hotel che si poteva vedere su Street View e che dubitava dell'albergatore stesso quando tentava di spiegare che tale cantiere era giĆ  stato chiuso da mesi!

Giusto per esser chiari: NO, le foto di Google Maps e di Street View NON sono in diretta ma sono state scattate tempo fa!


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