Friday, February 25, 2011

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(996) Il cameriere "antipatico"

There is actually a situation was reported "bizarre" but, taken with the tongs.
illustrate the story as we were told, trying not to side with either party because we do not know the background and because we have only heard one of the items in question.

In short: Proprietor has hired a new waiter. During the test everything is fine but once you have signed the contract last season has changed the attitude of losing much of its seriousness by taking the liberty to address the guests in gentle tones and not just acting in a rather rude. Some guests complain, the landlord takes the waiter but nothing, continues to behave in a disagreeable manner. To clarify: nothing happens, serious effects and the waiter comes on time and does its job well, just the way it addresses the people and his attitude in general irritate customers, generating complaints from many guests who would not hesitate to hoteliers report of what is disagreeable the waiter.

Vistosi unheard, on the advice of the lawyer, the landlord sends the calls over the waiter recommended all manifestations of rudeness to the point at which it no longer considered tolerable situation and talking to four 'eyes with the waiter told him that it is not made to work with people and should find another job. It refused to go away and took its unions in its defense, who immediately contacted the landlord in moving the employee's defense claiming that it has always done its job, there are no "objective demonstration" of misconduct but only "observations generic "and that one can not dismiss anyone because" it is unpleasant. "reached the end of the season then, the employee has applied for pre-emption of the hotel, so if the landlord takes the following season, a waiter (and it is certain that will), will be obliged to give priority to the right in question.

One, unfortunately, not rare, the bad situation of the relationship between owner and employee. As written at the beginning post do not know the background of the story and we heard only one side, so we can not review nor do we want Express yourself. The most immediate interpretation seem to be two: the hotel may have all the reasons or is there something else behind and above the "dislike" of the room is just an excuse to fire him.

element "interesting" of the affair, which convinced us to report it on Bizarre Hotel, is but a reflection on how you can end up in the position of having to measure, document and certify " level of sympathy "for someone. Equally interesting is the fact that, depending on your point of view, the "level of sympathy" may be understood as "extremely important" by some (customers) or "not to be taken into account" for someone else (Act) that, regardless of the chosen path (satisfy customers dismissing an employee or rude to go ahead anyway to avoid violating the rights of the employee's) collide with the opposite meaning.


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