usually try not to stray too far from what would be Bizarre Hotel, which is a blog that discusses aspects of quirky, bizarre background and different situations that occur in the environment and tourism around it.
This time is an exception.
Speaking of management software for hotels is to speak of a world apart: there are no international standards or Management-Killer so widespread as to be regarded as a landmark in every nation and dozens of software-houses (some of the series , others much less so) are competing for market by the landlord in the position of having to choose between a number of applications that are all more or less the same thing.
has grown so a patchy situation more or less common with management on a regional scale. Often, the software house (which in many cases the management companies offering the only product sales) bind to the hotel through a range of possibilities: from multi-year support contract or allowing the use of management with a kind of contract ' rent (so if you do not pay after a certain period of time puff! the management hangs).
There are good management realized that beyond the Alps, however, are completely devoid of Italian localization (as long as it would still English, but we challenge anyone to use management in German or Swedish)
Col tempo in ogni azienda si sviluppa un legame stretto con il gestionale utilizzato poiché, una volta imparato ad usare é difficile che lo si cambi in favore di un'altro che fa più o meno le stese cose ma che per esser appreso richiede venga dimenticata la "forma mentis" di quello vecchio!
Inutile dire che la quasi totalità dei gestionali gira solo su Windows, lasciando a bocca asciutta chi volesse utilizzare un diverso Sistema Operativo. Molti gestionali "minori" non vengono aggiornati da anni e gran parte di essi offrono solo le funzioni più basilari.
Qui però vogliamo segnalare GESTHOTEL : un Gestionale Open Source italiano nato in early 2010, based MYSQL database and runs on Linux!
E'ancora project immature, lacking in finesse and several advanced commands of management evolved, but which because of its uniqueness (runs on Linux, is Italian, is free) we thought it should be pointed!
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