(997) Diffidenza TOTALE
off-season. Hotel closed.
When not in the hotel, the hotel enables the transfer of call on his cell phone.
Saturday evening. The hotel is at dinner with friends. A call comes. It is a customer who says he wants a conferma scritta alla sua prenotazione (una settimana tra cinque mesi). L'albergatore, ricordandosi del nome del cliente risponde stupito "Ma, le ho già inviato la conferma e lei mi ha pure risposto". Ma il cliente replica "Si, ma io vorrei una conferma scritta a mano e con la sua firma poiché ha più valore".
(Si, certo, le invierò una conferma scritta con piuma d'oca e col mio sangue come inchiostro, ma per prenotare lei mi deve fornire il suo albero genealogico fino al 1750, il codice fiscale di tutti i membri della sua famiglia, una copia dell'ultimo estratto account, his contract of employment, a passport and a certified medical certificate in which a doctor to ensure she is healthy and not suffering from mental illness!)
Saturday, February 26, 2011
Cardigan For Prom Dress
Friday, February 25, 2011
Clotrimazole Cream Para Quesirve
(996) Il cameriere "antipatico"
There is actually a situation was reported "bizarre" but, taken with the tongs.
illustrate the story as we were told, trying not to side with either party because we do not know the background and because we have only heard one of the items in question.
In short: Proprietor has hired a new waiter. During the test everything is fine but once you have signed the contract last season has changed the attitude of losing much of its seriousness by taking the liberty to address the guests in gentle tones and not just acting in a rather rude. Some guests complain, the landlord takes the waiter but nothing, continues to behave in a disagreeable manner. To clarify: nothing happens, serious effects and the waiter comes on time and does its job well, just the way it addresses the people and his attitude in general irritate customers, generating complaints from many guests who would not hesitate to hoteliers report of what is disagreeable the waiter.
There is actually a situation was reported "bizarre" but, taken with the tongs.
illustrate the story as we were told, trying not to side with either party because we do not know the background and because we have only heard one of the items in question.
In short: Proprietor has hired a new waiter. During the test everything is fine but once you have signed the contract last season has changed the attitude of losing much of its seriousness by taking the liberty to address the guests in gentle tones and not just acting in a rather rude. Some guests complain, the landlord takes the waiter but nothing, continues to behave in a disagreeable manner. To clarify: nothing happens, serious effects and the waiter comes on time and does its job well, just the way it addresses the people and his attitude in general irritate customers, generating complaints from many guests who would not hesitate to hoteliers report of what is disagreeable the waiter.
Vistosi unheard, on the advice of the lawyer, the landlord sends the calls over the waiter recommended all manifestations of rudeness to the point at which it no longer considered tolerable situation and talking to four 'eyes with the waiter told him that it is not made to work with people and should find another job. It refused to go away and took its unions in its defense, who immediately contacted the landlord in moving the employee's defense claiming that it has always done its job, there are no "objective demonstration" of misconduct but only "observations generic "and that one can not dismiss anyone because" it is unpleasant. "reached the end of the season then, the employee has applied for pre-emption of the hotel, so if the landlord takes the following season, a waiter (and it is certain that will), will be obliged to give priority to the right in question.
One, unfortunately, not rare, the bad situation of the relationship between owner and employee. As written at the beginning post do not know the background of the story and we heard only one side, so we can not review nor do we want Express yourself. The most immediate interpretation seem to be two: the hotel may have all the reasons or is there something else behind and above the "dislike" of the room is just an excuse to fire him.
element "interesting" of the affair, which convinced us to report it on Bizarre Hotel, is but a reflection on how you can end up in the position of having to measure, document and certify " level of sympathy "for someone. Equally interesting is the fact that, depending on your point of view, the "level of sympathy" may be understood as "extremely important" by some (customers) or "not to be taken into account" for someone else (Act) that, regardless of the chosen path (satisfy customers dismissing an employee or rude to go ahead anyway to avoid violating the rights of the employee's) collide with the opposite meaning.
One, unfortunately, not rare, the bad situation of the relationship between owner and employee. As written at the beginning post do not know the background of the story and we heard only one side, so we can not review nor do we want Express yourself. The most immediate interpretation seem to be two: the hotel may have all the reasons or is there something else behind and above the "dislike" of the room is just an excuse to fire him.
element "interesting" of the affair, which convinced us to report it on Bizarre Hotel, is but a reflection on how you can end up in the position of having to measure, document and certify " level of sympathy "for someone. Equally interesting is the fact that, depending on your point of view, the "level of sympathy" may be understood as "extremely important" by some (customers) or "not to be taken into account" for someone else (Act) that, regardless of the chosen path (satisfy customers dismissing an employee or rude to go ahead anyway to avoid violating the rights of the employee's) collide with the opposite meaning.
Send us your "Bizarre" a: hotelbizarre@gmail.com
Disney Panama Canal Cruise
(995) Se il turista lascia l'hotel senza pagare il conto
Article found on Il Tirreno
Marina di Pietrasanta. declines in the summer, but tourism remains on scams del giorno. In albergo c'è il cliente che paga e quello che non salda il conto. E quest'ultimo, spesso, scompare nel nulla. Ne sanno qualcosa diversi hotel di Marina, vittime di questi "talenti" della truffa.
Un paio di casi, puntuali, segnano questa ultima fase della stagione calda. Le notizie viaggiano per email, perché in certi casi l'unica arma di prevenzione sta nella solidarietà di categoria: insomma, gli albergatori turlupinati segnalano l'episodio ai colleghi e, quantomeno, evitano loro di cadere nelle stesse trappole... a buon rendere.
Primo caso. «Attenzione!», scrive l'associazione degli albergatori, ai suoi associati, condendo the word with seven or eight marks. Coastline is approximately a shady individual under the guise of a tourist: the association also provides these details (actually false), date of birth (and spring 1974) and place of birth (Napoli). "Take advantage of what has been available without suffering from anything, and then fade away at dawn by failing to settle the score and even leaving open the many smelly luggage in the room."
short, a full-fledged flight. A classic "bacon", the technical term for these scams from a few tens of euro, but unpleasant for those affected. Bacon, like the striped uniform worn by Hugh Tosgnazzi of Friends miei per lasciare un lussuoso grand hotel di Montecatini, senza pagare il conto.
Capita anche che qualcuno si inserisca in questo tam-tam degli alberghi, per posta elettronica, e segnali a sua volta che il pericolo non viene solo dal faso 35enne napoletano: c'è anche "Totò". Vale a dire un ometto, con carta d'identità intestata, che attesta (se non falsificata) la sua nascita in un comune della provincia di Salerno. Ha "colpito" di recente in uno degli hotel più belli e noti di Tonfano. E qui c'è una nota di umanità da parte degli albergatori: «Lascia l'albergo zitto zitto... è un omino tipo Totò...anche simpatico!», si legge nella lettera. Insomma, attenti a tutti. Anche ai simpatici.
Solo una nota: truffe del genere effettuate da una o più persone che alloggiano anche per più notti ed usufruendo di numerosi extra, arrivano facilmente a conti da centinaia o migliaia di euro e non "poche decine"
Article found on Il Tirreno
Marina di Pietrasanta. declines in the summer, but tourism remains on scams del giorno. In albergo c'è il cliente che paga e quello che non salda il conto. E quest'ultimo, spesso, scompare nel nulla. Ne sanno qualcosa diversi hotel di Marina, vittime di questi "talenti" della truffa.
Un paio di casi, puntuali, segnano questa ultima fase della stagione calda. Le notizie viaggiano per email, perché in certi casi l'unica arma di prevenzione sta nella solidarietà di categoria: insomma, gli albergatori turlupinati segnalano l'episodio ai colleghi e, quantomeno, evitano loro di cadere nelle stesse trappole... a buon rendere.
Primo caso. «Attenzione!», scrive l'associazione degli albergatori, ai suoi associati, condendo the word with seven or eight marks. Coastline is approximately a shady individual under the guise of a tourist: the association also provides these details (actually false), date of birth (and spring 1974) and place of birth (Napoli). "Take advantage of what has been available without suffering from anything, and then fade away at dawn by failing to settle the score and even leaving open the many smelly luggage in the room."
short, a full-fledged flight. A classic "bacon", the technical term for these scams from a few tens of euro, but unpleasant for those affected. Bacon, like the striped uniform worn by Hugh Tosgnazzi of Friends miei per lasciare un lussuoso grand hotel di Montecatini, senza pagare il conto.
Capita anche che qualcuno si inserisca in questo tam-tam degli alberghi, per posta elettronica, e segnali a sua volta che il pericolo non viene solo dal faso 35enne napoletano: c'è anche "Totò". Vale a dire un ometto, con carta d'identità intestata, che attesta (se non falsificata) la sua nascita in un comune della provincia di Salerno. Ha "colpito" di recente in uno degli hotel più belli e noti di Tonfano. E qui c'è una nota di umanità da parte degli albergatori: «Lascia l'albergo zitto zitto... è un omino tipo Totò...anche simpatico!», si legge nella lettera. Insomma, attenti a tutti. Anche ai simpatici.
Solo una nota: truffe del genere effettuate da una o più persone che alloggiano anche per più notti ed usufruendo di numerosi extra, arrivano facilmente a conti da centinaia o migliaia di euro e non "poche decine"
Inviaci le TUE "Bizarre" a: hotelbizarre@gmail.com
Thursday, February 24, 2011
What Are Three Blue Dots On Pregnancy Test
I modelli sono di mia fantasia, non copiati da riviste.
I modelli sono di mia fantasia, non copiati da riviste.
Retainers After Braces Causing Headaches
(994) L'ora d'aria dell'albergatore
Quante volte capita che la gente che ci circonda non si rende conto che spesso fuori dal lavoro abbiamo bisogno di "staccare? Sei un farmacista, esci con gli amici e tutti ti chiedono consigli su acciacchi ed improbabili malori; lavori nell'informatica ed a fine giornata, dopo aver risolto i casini fatti dai clienti, ti tocca also fix computers free of friends, cook, and six people will only ever speaks of food as if it were the only topic of your life and so on.
For those working in hotels, especially smaller ones, the situation is slightly different: in most cases the hotel is at the same time also the home of the hotelier, so slip into your apartment at the end of turn does not help much to "disconnect" from work because, for better or worse, one is always in the same room (although there are barricades closing all taxes).
If you want to enjoy an hour of rest is necessary to physically move away from its property-house, even though we must always be traced having always with them on the phone because every moment could "something happen" (How many times in the middle of the 'hour of air, "came the phone calls like" I got the Rossi have booked a double but they are 4 and will not listen to reason, please come quickly! ").
hour free you can not remove much and since you live in a resort town where it is highly likely to meet their clients at the beach, in bars, parks in the area and so we must face facts, and avoid the most popular and nice, just as your customers see you, they will not come and talk, so as you, you can not avoid showing the usual easy-going and interested even if you always say the same things that they say all the tourists who come to the area and make you the same questions that you feel for a lifetime.
It turns out that for an hour of freedom t'imbuchi to keep a friend's house, in the most dilapidated gym in the suburbs or in the afternoon film club absurd to see Hungarian films where at least you can be sure of not meeting your customers for 60 minutes. Send us your
Quante volte capita che la gente che ci circonda non si rende conto che spesso fuori dal lavoro abbiamo bisogno di "staccare? Sei un farmacista, esci con gli amici e tutti ti chiedono consigli su acciacchi ed improbabili malori; lavori nell'informatica ed a fine giornata, dopo aver risolto i casini fatti dai clienti, ti tocca also fix computers free of friends, cook, and six people will only ever speaks of food as if it were the only topic of your life and so on.
For those working in hotels, especially smaller ones, the situation is slightly different: in most cases the hotel is at the same time also the home of the hotelier, so slip into your apartment at the end of turn does not help much to "disconnect" from work because, for better or worse, one is always in the same room (although there are barricades closing all taxes).
If you want to enjoy an hour of rest is necessary to physically move away from its property-house, even though we must always be traced having always with them on the phone because every moment could "something happen" (How many times in the middle of the 'hour of air, "came the phone calls like" I got the Rossi have booked a double but they are 4 and will not listen to reason, please come quickly! ").
hour free you can not remove much and since you live in a resort town where it is highly likely to meet their clients at the beach, in bars, parks in the area and so we must face facts, and avoid the most popular and nice, just as your customers see you, they will not come and talk, so as you, you can not avoid showing the usual easy-going and interested even if you always say the same things that they say all the tourists who come to the area and make you the same questions that you feel for a lifetime.
It turns out that for an hour of freedom t'imbuchi to keep a friend's house, in the most dilapidated gym in the suburbs or in the afternoon film club absurd to see Hungarian films where at least you can be sure of not meeting your customers for 60 minutes. Send us your
"Bizarre" a: hotelbizarre@gmail.com
How To Cut And Ice A 3d Cakes
(993) I Tifosi
Hotel in Italy.
Tv In Holland football clash with Denmark.
the hotel is full of Dutch households.
The only customers in Denmark and particularly "hot" in cheering their team and does not take into account the fact of being surrounded by Dutch take to the opposing team, but they are too well educated to silence him. Arriving near the end of the first time and noticing the tense atmosphere in the TV room quietly to those who will never be touched by the customer to go to Denmark with less vehemence told to cheer their team?
Also this hotel is work to be .....
Hotel in Italy.
Tv In Holland football clash with Denmark.
the hotel is full of Dutch households.
The only customers in Denmark and particularly "hot" in cheering their team and does not take into account the fact of being surrounded by Dutch take to the opposing team, but they are too well educated to silence him. Arriving near the end of the first time and noticing the tense atmosphere in the TV room quietly to those who will never be touched by the customer to go to Denmark with less vehemence told to cheer their team?
Also this hotel is work to be .....
Send us your "Bizarre" a: hotelbizarre@gmail.com
Sunday, February 20, 2011
How Does Light Affects Living Things
adhesive and reassembled eyelid sticker
Viste le condizioni meteo inclementi, ho approfittato della giornata festiva per applicare i vari adesivi che avevo pianificato di mettere sulla Fulvia.
Questo è il "trittico" HF, laterali sinistro e destro e posteriore:
Questa invece è la vetrofania "Lancia Campione del Mondo Rallies" applicata sul vetro posteriore sinistro:
Sul vetro posteriore destro ho messo l'adesivo del forum Amicifulvia:
Infine ho rimontato la palpebra. L'ho fissata solo con i due dadi alle estremità in quanto non avendo I still put the radio favorite thing to make a "flying" so as not to lose an hour when I have to disassemble. However finally the bridge is almost in order ...
Viste le condizioni meteo inclementi, ho approfittato della giornata festiva per applicare i vari adesivi che avevo pianificato di mettere sulla Fulvia.
Questo è il "trittico" HF, laterali sinistro e destro e posteriore:
Questa invece è la vetrofania "Lancia Campione del Mondo Rallies" applicata sul vetro posteriore sinistro:
Sul vetro posteriore destro ho messo l'adesivo del forum Amicifulvia:
Infine ho rimontato la palpebra. L'ho fissata solo con i due dadi alle estremità in quanto non avendo I still put the radio favorite thing to make a "flying" so as not to lose an hour when I have to disassemble. However finally the bridge is almost in order ...
Bosch Dishwasher Hard Reset
Gestionale Open Source
usually try not to stray too far from what would be Bizarre Hotel, which is a blog that discusses aspects of quirky, bizarre background and different situations that occur in the environment and tourism around it.
usually try not to stray too far from what would be Bizarre Hotel, which is a blog that discusses aspects of quirky, bizarre background and different situations that occur in the environment and tourism around it.
This time is an exception.
Speaking of management software for hotels is to speak of a world apart: there are no international standards or Management-Killer so widespread as to be regarded as a landmark in every nation and dozens of software-houses (some of the series , others much less so) are competing for market by the landlord in the position of having to choose between a number of applications that are all more or less the same thing.
has grown so a patchy situation more or less common with management on a regional scale. Often, the software house (which in many cases the management companies offering the only product sales) bind to the hotel through a range of possibilities: from multi-year support contract or allowing the use of management with a kind of contract ' rent (so if you do not pay after a certain period of time puff! the management hangs).
There are good management realized that beyond the Alps, however, are completely devoid of Italian localization (as long as it would still English, but we challenge anyone to use management in German or Swedish)
Col tempo in ogni azienda si sviluppa un legame stretto con il gestionale utilizzato poiché, una volta imparato ad usare é difficile che lo si cambi in favore di un'altro che fa più o meno le stese cose ma che per esser appreso richiede venga dimenticata la "forma mentis" di quello vecchio!
Inutile dire che la quasi totalità dei gestionali gira solo su Windows, lasciando a bocca asciutta chi volesse utilizzare un diverso Sistema Operativo. Molti gestionali "minori" non vengono aggiornati da anni e gran parte di essi offrono solo le funzioni più basilari.
Qui però vogliamo segnalare GESTHOTEL : un Gestionale Open Source italiano nato in early 2010, based MYSQL database and runs on Linux!
E'ancora project immature, lacking in finesse and several advanced commands of management evolved, but which because of its uniqueness (runs on Linux, is Italian, is free) we thought it should be pointed!
Send us your "Bizarre" a: hotelbizarre@gmail.com
Saturday, February 19, 2011
Little Tikes Rocking Cow
(992) Poveri Barman
also Barman they shoulder heavy crosses. Here is a collection from Comande Impossible
also Barman they shoulder heavy crosses. Here is a collection from Comande Impossible
Quelli che combattono il calore d'agosto
Oggi tutte cioccolate calde con la panna e te caldi e siamo al 15 agostooooooooooo,,,
Quelli che si esprimono chiaramente
Cliente: "Boh, cummenti fiada.. un CIABATTA .. boh..."
Barman: "Come scusa? Non ti ho sentito..."
Cliente: "Un CIABATTA ... o cumment'ei"
Barman: "Guarda sinceramente non ricordo la ricetta... Sai cosa c'è dentro??"
Cliente: "Green is"
Barman: "Ah, maybe a Green Jamaica"
Customer: "Eh ... cuddu!"
Barman: "D"
Barman: "Come scusa? Non ti ho sentito..."
Cliente: "Un CIABATTA ... o cumment'ei"
Barman: "Guarda sinceramente non ricordo la ricetta... Sai cosa c'è dentro??"
Cliente: "Green is"
Barman: "Ah, maybe a Green Jamaica"
Customer: "Eh ... cuddu!"
Barman: "D"
Those who do not make your
"A geraister redbull"
"What you did to him"
"Ah, a Jagermeister and Redbull"
"What you did to him"
"Ah, a Jagermeister and Redbull"
Those that leave you puzzled
"A boy had the courage to ask disinfectant .... "
Those" Ah, it's all clear "
" Hello, sorry, can I have a ginzosa much ice? "
Those burned by the drug
A customer with a textbook education (did not he go):" Let me, however, the fruit ... I recommend it ... let me no green jamaica "
Those who want one thing but another sort
[a customer orders] "A free jamaica non-alcoholic cocktails and a" special "... or a long island ice tea "
The barman pours all products, passes to the mixer, pour into a glass and then take the Coke is the top ... The customer looks at him really angry "Ohhh did I tell you iced tea!"
Those creative
"I do myrtle gin sambuca Spearmint and cointreau? .. sorry but this cocktail has a name? "
" Yes. crap called "
" Yes. crap called "
Those that mathematics
During a free drink to a customer supercazzola:
CUSTOMER: I do 3, 4 white and strawberry?
BARMAN: "How many?"
BARMAN: "There were 4?"
CLIENT: whites "
BARMAN:" 3 white? "
CUSTOMER:" 4 ... "
BARMAN:" Do you want 4, 3 white and strawberry? "
CUSTOMER:" no ... "
BARMAN:" do not want strawberry? "
Customer: Yes!
BARMAN: "ah ok, you want 3, 4 white and strawberry?"
CUSTOMER: "exact"
BARMAN: "perfect ..."
CUSTOMER: I do 3, 4 white and strawberry?
BARMAN: "How many?"
BARMAN: "There were 4?"
CLIENT: whites "
BARMAN:" 3 white? "
CUSTOMER:" 4 ... "
BARMAN:" Do you want 4, 3 white and strawberry? "
CUSTOMER:" no ... "
BARMAN:" do not want strawberry? "
Customer: Yes!
BARMAN: "ah ok, you want 3, 4 white and strawberry?"
CUSTOMER: "exact"
BARMAN: "perfect ..."
Those who are influenced by friends
CUSTOMER: "I make a strawberry vodka?"
BARMAN: "Sure," ... shows him the bottle Sermeq Strawberry ...
BARMAN: "With ice?"
Customer: "Yes please"
The barman pours ... and serves ... the type a bit 'confused' Thank you ... "
BARMAN:" Thank you! "
friend arrives, look at the glass, whispers something ... And the guy turns around "I'm sorry ... there is little strawberry!"
Those "I'm with the hippos"
hello hippo a mojito ... I make him a regular mojito xk nn I really understood. . comes back and tells me .. k nn hippo was at that point the kiedo mojito hippo and what it meant to spare me ...................... .. GREEN APPLE wanted a good APPLE MOJITO
Those changes ...
Hello I would do a mojito without mint and rum, but vodka and strawberry? caipiroska then you want a strawberry? no! I want a mojito without mint and rum, but vodka and strawberry! Sensational!
Send us your "Bizarre" a: hotelbizarre@gmail.com
White Bag Hats In Restaurants
(991) Padre di famiglia permaloso ed isterico
Customer reserves a room for the next day via fax: 1 double room for 2 nights.
rapid exchange of fax (our offer, your card number, confirmation). All regular
........ SEEMED
The next day he has the character: he, his wife and two teenage children (the usual "child" and "ops, but they have done tonight, because until recently they did not know to miss them? ") .
We did not quadruple. He wants to add two extra beds but does not listen when we say that it is not possible. We offer a second room.
He makes half a scene, not for money or for the type of room, but because when the director told him (in a polite) "Lord, you have simply asked for a double, but should have specified that you were in four "He took it badly on a personal level as if they had given him a fool and began to respond with phrases like" Can not talk to me like, "I am not born yesterday," " E'da-year journey and I have never seen such a thing " (In fact we are the hotel owners who see strange" double "equivalent to 2 people) . However, his wife holds him and calms him.
They settle in the room and out. After a few hours fall and reappear in a reception with luggage.
He says he found a "more comfortable accommodation," which "in this place will not pass one more minute "and so on.
The director says," Ok, go away, but now the first day you pagarcela. "He screams louder and louder (fortunately there were no other guests in the Hall at that time !) and pay the amount due after so much screaming and leaves threatening "I will tell everyone how you treat customers in this dump."
Some time later we find a review on Tripadvisor very acid in which he speaks badly of every aspect Hotel (breakfast also has not done), insisting on the rudeness of staff, said.
Incazzatura separately we see that the character has Reviewed another hotel in the area: the nature of things that he has been staying after he was gone from our case and see ... was so pissed that remained to be sour for the next two days, since it has also struck down the best hotel in the area!
Customer reserves a room for the next day via fax: 1 double room for 2 nights.
rapid exchange of fax (our offer, your card number, confirmation). All regular
........ SEEMED
The next day he has the character: he, his wife and two teenage children (the usual "child" and "ops, but they have done tonight, because until recently they did not know to miss them? ") .
We did not quadruple. He wants to add two extra beds but does not listen when we say that it is not possible. We offer a second room.
He makes half a scene, not for money or for the type of room, but because when the director told him (in a polite) "Lord, you have simply asked for a double, but should have specified that you were in four "He took it badly on a personal level as if they had given him a fool and began to respond with phrases like" Can not talk to me like, "I am not born yesterday," " E'da-year journey and I have never seen such a thing " (In fact we are the hotel owners who see strange" double "equivalent to 2 people) . However, his wife holds him and calms him.
They settle in the room and out. After a few hours fall and reappear in a reception with luggage.
He says he found a "more comfortable accommodation," which "in this place will not pass one more minute "and so on.
The director says," Ok, go away, but now the first day you pagarcela. "He screams louder and louder (fortunately there were no other guests in the Hall at that time !) and pay the amount due after so much screaming and leaves threatening "I will tell everyone how you treat customers in this dump."
Some time later we find a review on Tripadvisor very acid in which he speaks badly of every aspect Hotel (breakfast also has not done), insisting on the rudeness of staff, said.
Incazzatura separately we see that the character has Reviewed another hotel in the area: the nature of things that he has been staying after he was gone from our case and see ... was so pissed that remained to be sour for the next two days, since it has also struck down the best hotel in the area!
Send us your "Bizarre" a: hotelbizarre@gmail.com
Friday, February 18, 2011
No$gba To Dstt Save Converter
(990) Non parlarmi: non ti credo!
In Hotel received an email generation (that mail sent through portals to travel tens if not hundreds of choices at once). The landlord sends his offer. Shortly after the customer is heard: it is concerned but does not believe the fact that the hotel is just 100m from the beach. The hotel manager tried to convince him of the goodness of his statements (controlli il nostro indirizzo, guardi su Google Maps ecc).
In Hotel received an email generation (that mail sent through portals to travel tens if not hundreds of choices at once). The landlord sends his offer. Shortly after the customer is heard: it is concerned but does not believe the fact that the hotel is just 100m from the beach. The hotel manager tried to convince him of the goodness of his statements (controlli il nostro indirizzo, guardi su Google Maps ecc).
Insomma: gli interessa proprio esser certo di avere un Hotel vicino alla spiaggia ma NON si fida della parola dell'albergatore. Dopo tanto discutere, pur non sembrando del tutto convinto, il cliente se ne esce con "sarei già in mezza parola con l'Hotel X che mi chiede meno ed ha pure l'aria condizionata".
(Uff, mi fai perdere un quarto d'ora perché non ti fidi della mia parola, fai tante menate sulla distanza dal mare ed alla fine vuoi solo tirare sul prezzo quando hai praticamente già prenotato in un Hotel da cui la spiaggia non la si vede nemmanco col binocolo?????)
Send us your "Bizarre" a: hotelbizarre@gmail.com
Calories Homemade Pizza
(989) Che ore sono?
afternoon. Comes a call:
HOTELIER: "Hello, XXX Hotel"
CLIENT (in English): "Hi, excuse me but what time is it there?"
HOTELIER: "These are the two"
Customer: "But in the daytime or at night?"
(Beeeeeeneeeee. ..)
afternoon. Comes a call:
HOTELIER: "Hello, XXX Hotel"
CLIENT (in English): "Hi, excuse me but what time is it there?"
HOTELIER: "These are the two"
Customer: "But in the daytime or at night?"
(Beeeeeeneeeee. ..)
Send us your "Bizarre" a: hotelbizarre@gmail.com
Masterbation Web Cams
(988) L'avvocato può sbatter fuori un cliente. L'albergatore no.
Linked this interesting article (News report here also ) on una sentenza della Cassazione. Riassumendo: in uno studio legale, una cliente molto invadente viene sbattuta fuori con un calcio nel sedere che gli procura lesioni. La Cassazione, in sostanza, ha sancito che, non essendo lo studio legale un esercizio aperto al pubblico, il professionista aveva diritto ad agire in tal maniera per difendersi dall'invadenza della cliente.
La decisione ruota attorno al concetto di "esercizio pubblico": un libero professionista quale ad esempio un artigiano (o un avvocato) ha la libertà di scegliere se accettare un cliente o meno, mentre chi lavora in un esercizio pubblico é obbligato a servire indifferentemente chiunque ne richieda i servizi. Il concetto di "esercizio pubblico" non si applica solo a servizi di pubblica utilità come le Poste, i trasporti o a chi fornisce generi alimentari, ma anche a realtà non certo indispensabili quali Alberghi, ristoranti di lusso, profumerie ecc.
Tale distinzione, quindi, é stata centrale perché la Cassazione ritenesse giustificato l'atteggiamento del professionista, oltre alla considerazione che nel caso specifico (cliente invadente e violento), la strada del tribunale non poteva considerarsi una forma di tutela efficace (il cliente vuol far male ADESSO ed il professionista doveva difendersi SUBITO, non tra MESI e MESI).
Buffo: se il cliente di un avvocato/artigiano da in escandescenze nel suo studio, quest'ultimo ha il diritto di tirargli un bel calcio nel sedere, but if that same person would give in even the worst outburst but within a hotel, restaurant, bar, tobacco shop or clothing store, the owners should be all without even touch it with a finger because the nature of their work forces them to "serve everyone without distinction."
Yes, there will be a solid "legal distinctions" and you can reply with a thousand "but", but it makes sense to see that workers denied their freedom of defense because they chose to work with people and who does a job more behind the scenes "has no such limitations?
here is not to judge the correctness of the decision itself, because the difference in treatment seems to emerge from the same among those who work in contact with the public or not. Send us your
Linked this interesting article (News report here also ) on una sentenza della Cassazione. Riassumendo: in uno studio legale, una cliente molto invadente viene sbattuta fuori con un calcio nel sedere che gli procura lesioni. La Cassazione, in sostanza, ha sancito che, non essendo lo studio legale un esercizio aperto al pubblico, il professionista aveva diritto ad agire in tal maniera per difendersi dall'invadenza della cliente.
La decisione ruota attorno al concetto di "esercizio pubblico": un libero professionista quale ad esempio un artigiano (o un avvocato) ha la libertà di scegliere se accettare un cliente o meno, mentre chi lavora in un esercizio pubblico é obbligato a servire indifferentemente chiunque ne richieda i servizi. Il concetto di "esercizio pubblico" non si applica solo a servizi di pubblica utilità come le Poste, i trasporti o a chi fornisce generi alimentari, ma anche a realtà non certo indispensabili quali Alberghi, ristoranti di lusso, profumerie ecc.
Tale distinzione, quindi, é stata centrale perché la Cassazione ritenesse giustificato l'atteggiamento del professionista, oltre alla considerazione che nel caso specifico (cliente invadente e violento), la strada del tribunale non poteva considerarsi una forma di tutela efficace (il cliente vuol far male ADESSO ed il professionista doveva difendersi SUBITO, non tra MESI e MESI).
Buffo: se il cliente di un avvocato/artigiano da in escandescenze nel suo studio, quest'ultimo ha il diritto di tirargli un bel calcio nel sedere, but if that same person would give in even the worst outburst but within a hotel, restaurant, bar, tobacco shop or clothing store, the owners should be all without even touch it with a finger because the nature of their work forces them to "serve everyone without distinction."
Yes, there will be a solid "legal distinctions" and you can reply with a thousand "but", but it makes sense to see that workers denied their freedom of defense because they chose to work with people and who does a job more behind the scenes "has no such limitations?
here is not to judge the correctness of the decision itself, because the difference in treatment seems to emerge from the same among those who work in contact with the public or not. Send us your
"Bizarre" a: hotelbizarre@gmail.com
What Is The Lewis Structure For Clf2
(987) Ancora recensioni ingiuste da Bookings
reviews yet. Reported by " abuse at RECEPTIONIST "
Cappuccino, cornetto, fette biscottate e un succo... che altro vuoi?
reviews yet. Reported by " abuse at RECEPTIONIST "
complaints about booking from France (cagacazzi of course):
1) 103 The room was small.
GRAZIE A STO C***O. Tu per risparmiare 5€ al giorno prenoti "SMALL ROOM" che vuoi, che quando arrivi qui ti do la suite? Ora fai un favore a me e all'umanità e DATTI FUOCO, #@*ç!!
2) Copio e incollo: "il faut savoir que les italiens ne déjeunent pas donc évidemment ils ne savent pas le préparer".
Cappuccino, cornetto, fette biscottate e un succo... che altro vuoi?
Price paid ... € 50 per night (read, FIFTY EURO NET) including breakfast ... and we are 100 meters from the Vatican and 50 meters from the underground ...
25 euro per person with breakfast a stone's throw from the Vatican is a very low price. It is obvious that this figure you can not expect five star treatment. Reviewing the wrong hotel, stating that "Italians do not know how to make breakfast" and complaining about the size of the room even though the reservation was specified "small room" is obviously an attitude incorrect. Very clear about two comments about the original post:
cursed! pay nothing and claim a suite! to go to a 5 star then! I hate them and also have the courage to complain behind because they do not even have the face to tell you because they know that they are ridiculous
customers Booking I hate them! do not pay a damn thing and expect more 'than it should .... and if something goes wrong, you disintegrate with a review !!!!! grrrr
Send us your "Bizarre" a: hotelbizarre@gmail.com
Thursday, February 17, 2011
Eyebrows Burned From Waxing
major demonstration of WOMEN IN BOLOGNA SHOW
Bologna, domenica 13 febbraio 2011, Piazza Maggiore
Show details
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Why Womens Feet Smell
Saturday, February 12, 2011
Walkie Talkie Protocol
Friday, February 11, 2011
What Is The Colour Coding For Squash Balls
Today I jumped in the body shop to make sure that the few remaining works were in the pipeline. Well, we have: tomorrow I take home Fulvietta!
The additional lights were installed properly and make them look good:
reassembled the rear license plate with the new "FI"
Here is a picture of the attachment point of the bracket of additional lights. As you see, were two holes on the edge of the front cross frame motor.
you tomorrow!
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