During an underground exploration carried out in the town of Fagnano castle, to a certain depth were taken (by the method using the continuous core double core barrel), the so-called marl:
Marl is a sedimentary rock, mainly composed of a clay fraction of a fraction and carbonate ( calcium carbonate or magnesium carbonate).
This type of rock derived from sediments of predominantly marine origin, in the absence of current.
The clay component is decanted lentamente.La carbonate component can be derived from the precipitation of salts or by deposition of the remains of microscopic organisms with limestone skeletons or shells.
Cclassificazione terms of transition from limestone and clay: clay
0% --------------------- 100% CaCO3
5% --------------------- 95% calcari debolmente marnosi
15% --------------------- 85% calcari marnosi
25% --------------------- 75% marne calcaree
35% --------------------- 65% MARNE
65% --------------------- 35% marne argillose
75% --------------------- 25% argille marnose
85% --------------------- 15% argille debolmente marnose
95% --------------------- 5% clay
15% --------------------- 85% calcari marnosi
25% --------------------- 75% marne calcaree
35% --------------------- 65% MARNE
65% --------------------- 35% marne argillose
75% --------------------- 25% argille marnose
85% --------------------- 15% argille debolmente marnose
95% --------------------- 5% clay
0% 100% ---------------------
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