Loculi IN APPROACH ....................................... ...
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Totoy Madriaga Gown Rental
OF WILLIAM Kotka / /
Some groups of experts are estimating that at some point between 2030 and 2050 require two "Earths" to be able to provide the resources needed to meet the current trends of production and consumption. Despite all this seems rather sudden, there are people who still live in the area of \u200b\u200btheir lives, have doubled the world population. We will not have time to find another land to be exploited in order to prevent the inevitable explosion. We can see that the increasing consumption of non-renewable resources terms with the destruction of civilization and the death of mass (excluding perhaps the tribal groups who still hunt and farm). Some say that the culprit is the economy, other policy, but Actually it is a bad adaptation to the Earth. The problem of civilization is organic. We live in a società che prende l’energia dai flussi energetici biologici della Terra senza però riempire nuovamente la sorgente [di tali flussi] mediante una retroazione positiva continua.Il cibo, la luce del sole, viene consumato dai vegetali per poi costruire la biomassa. Foglie, rami e altri detriti organici cadono a terra e sono a loro volta consumati da milioni di entità, sia macroscopiche che microscopiche, che costituiscono la “comunità del suolo”. Gli escrementi di questi organismi, che entrano in soluzione tra di loro nel suolo, costituiscono il nutrimento delle radici delle piante. Ciò apre la strada alla biodiversità. La maggior parte delle piante necessita di un moderato strato superficiale fertile per sopravvivere, which accumulates at the rate of one inch every 300-1000 years in a perfect ecological system. When cultures of Babylon and the Chinese Han dynasty, biologically poorly adapted, they began to "clean the earth six thousand years ago to promote agriculture, biological energy circulation ceased, because there was an ecological system that harbored. In the U.S. Great Plains, half of the surface layer has been removed and now the new industrialized farmers dump herbicides and pesticides on the ground, which kill more "community land". The farmers restore the fertility of the soil with artificial fertilizers derived from fossil fuels, the latter rapidly esaurimento.Questo is a small example of how energy flows are destroyed by land 'agriculture, deforestation, desertification, pollution and construction of homes on the fertile layer of suolo.Nonostante men were good people the planet for several million years, six thousand years of so-called civilization has brought us to a catastrophe in which the human species will probably become extinct, taking with him a large part of life on earth, due to last of our culture there is radiation nucleari.La and grows extorting biological energy from terrestrial life, and then not giving anything back. This scenario presents us with some choices. We groped for “riformare” la nostra attuale cultura oppure possiamo fare un salto e creare un nuovo stile di vita, ma non potremo permetterci di non fare nulla.Adattarsi ai flussi energetici biologici è la questione di vita o di morte per la specie umana. Questo è fondamentalmente l’impiccio in cui si è cacciata l’umanità.*UNA CULTURA DI ADATTAMENTO*I nostri lontani antenati sono riusciti per intere ere ad adattarsi biologicamente alla vita sulla terra e ora, se la specie deve sopravvivere, dobbiamo adattarci alla nuova curva della spirale della vita. Non possiamo tornare indietro e vestirci con perizomi e mangiare bacche e radici. La selvaggina è scomparsa e le bacche e le radici sono state coperte dalle città. Dovremo creare una cultura conducive to life rather than estirparla.Le cultures normally form over long periods of time and through the conditioning of the young generation after generation. We do not have all this time. Currently, we have huge amounts of information from different cultures that we can use to design and synthesize and create new social institutions. We find as in previous years a large diversity of communities and settlements have been made intentionally, and that shows how to set up a new cultura.All 'early 21st century, the choice between living in a self-contained community, to turn towards 'self-sufficiency and self-sustaining biological life in a region, is sia una soluzione per sopravvivere che una scelta per creare una nuova realtà caratterizzata da un restauro culturale ed ecologico.Appurato che la civiltà ha utilizzato oltremisura le sue risorse e non ha futuro, abbiamo bisogno di una nuova idea. Ogni membro della specie umana che si prenda la responsabilità biologica della sua esistenza costituisce una nuova idea. Se gli esseri umani diventassero maggiormente responsabili, potremmo promuovere collettivamente delle comunità autosufficienti sperimentali in molte aree biologiche del pianeta. Queste comunità si definirebbero sperimentali nel senso che sarebbe affrontata la questione centrale del “vivere in equilibrio con la natura”. Noi civilizzati non abbiamo conoscenze in questo senso ed esperimenti played by different cultures in different regions there would represent progredire.Esse legitimate "community growth", focused on the growth of living beings rather than on increasing the money and power. If some groups in this way would lay on the watershed of change, beginning a phase of ecological restoration and, spreading it slowly downstream, the result would be that air and clean water would be sourced from these aree.Dato the principle of the growth of life, restoration green represents the central point. The "permaculture," a technique that would grow more food per acre than the industrial system while nourishing the soil, should be used in areas near their homes, which would be built by hand using local materials. Although this seems like a business, there are communities on the planet that can do everything.
At the end of his life begins to disintegrate and the oak in check while an acorn. Our task is to encourage the sprouting of the oak acorn and let die. / * William H. * Kotka travel a lot and his writings are widely published. His latest book, published by Planet Garden, is the classic underground environment ...................
Sunday, February 8, 2009
Where To Purchase Gas Powered Broom
a poll to continuous core
During an underground exploration carried out in the town of Fagnano castle, to a certain depth were taken (by the method using the continuous core double core barrel), the so-called marl:
Marl is a sedimentary rock, mainly composed of a clay fraction of a fraction and carbonate ( calcium carbonate or magnesium carbonate).
This type of rock derived from sediments of predominantly marine origin, in the absence of current.
The clay component is decanted lentamente.La carbonate component can be derived from the precipitation of salts or by deposition of the remains of microscopic organisms with limestone skeletons or shells.
Cclassificazione terms of transition from limestone and clay: clay
During an underground exploration carried out in the town of Fagnano castle, to a certain depth were taken (by the method using the continuous core double core barrel), the so-called marl:
Marl is a sedimentary rock, mainly composed of a clay fraction of a fraction and carbonate ( calcium carbonate or magnesium carbonate).
This type of rock derived from sediments of predominantly marine origin, in the absence of current.
The clay component is decanted lentamente.La carbonate component can be derived from the precipitation of salts or by deposition of the remains of microscopic organisms with limestone skeletons or shells.
Cclassificazione terms of transition from limestone and clay: clay
0% --------------------- 100% CaCO3
5% --------------------- 95% calcari debolmente marnosi
15% --------------------- 85% calcari marnosi
25% --------------------- 75% marne calcaree
35% --------------------- 65% MARNE
65% --------------------- 35% marne argillose
75% --------------------- 25% argille marnose
85% --------------------- 15% argille debolmente marnose
95% --------------------- 5% clay
15% --------------------- 85% calcari marnosi
25% --------------------- 75% marne calcaree
35% --------------------- 65% MARNE
65% --------------------- 35% marne argillose
75% --------------------- 25% argille marnose
85% --------------------- 15% argille debolmente marnose
95% --------------------- 5% clay
0% 100% ---------------------
Stomach Pulse When Pregnant
kinematics Bursting in deposits with variable grain size
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geomorphologic study
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DATA seismotectonic
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pag. 14
Carta topografica scala 1:5.000
P.A.I in scala 1:5.000
Cartografia PAI scala 1:5000
Carta geologica in scala 1:2.000 – 1:5000
Colonna stratigrafica
Caratteri geomorfometrici e Ubicazione indagini scala 1:500
Elaborato indagine sismica
Elaborato indagine geoelettrica
Elaborato indagine penetrometrica
Rap Rapporto Fotografico
I dati scaturiti dalla consultazione cartografica e bibliografica, dal geological survey of the country, from surveys and tests have allowed the reconstruction of the geomorphological model of the utmost distress.
Based on the characteristics of the subsurface stratigraphic and geometrical features, the 'instability detected can be classified as a landslide complex type and retrogressivo translatory movement, which evolves in the flow.
The landslide which governs the slope are related to rainfall scenarios and critical to the following factors:
or presence of a layer of soil that extends the carry-over in the first meters of depth.
or decay of shear strength parameters of soil involved in instability for the recurrence, in the same season, cycles of saturation and desaturation. Ø
the combined action of surface runoff and infiltration water in the first meters of depth, due to the complete saturation of the soil surface by altering the geomechanical and triggering the landslides.
or presence of high and low slope in the middle part of the slope.
or absence of a drainage system that would facilitate the free flow of water.
In reference to comments made on the subject of intervention in the following days to 'landslide, it was possible to obtain, through the measures in place, the geometric data of the landslide body that are given below: BODY LENGTH
~ 50 meters.
~ 20 meters.
~ 9 meters.
Analyzing the unstable phenomenon as a whole, we can say that the displacements and velocities are high in the paroxysmal stage, while on the move between pre-and post-fracture or subsequent rimobilitazioni are modest.
The phenomenon corresponding to more intense rainfall events, or in conjunction with seismic events including small claims, you may wake receding further and coming to affect the building in question and any underground present (sewer and water pipes etc..) and also mean a condition of threat to people living there.
For these reasons, it requires in order not to worsen even more disruption formed, the system immediately, through the works of drainage and sewerage, rain water so they are both removed from the body of the landslide that building. For the same reason, it requires proof of all the facilities of any kind (sewage, gray water, etc..) And to make appropriate waterproofing works and water conveyance.
Furthermore, in order to characterize the area in detail while offering geotechnical data in order to design interventions most appropriate measures to ensure security of persons and things, it requires at least two surveys immediately to make continuous core, including SPT in the hole and laboratory analysis. These actions will be executed immediately and in any case, work for the safety of the area and then the building connected to it, must be completed within 15 days from the date of issue of this report to avoid rainfall events, also at thunderstorms, typical of the summer, could lead to further deterioration of the state of the slope and aggravate existing risk. Given the high risk to which the subject area concerned, it also requires di non risiedere nel fabbricato in oggetto, fino alla ultimazione dei lavori di messa in sicurezza dell’area.
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geomorphologic study
page. 5
DATA seismotectonic
page. 6
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page. 10
pag. 12
pag. 14
Carta topografica scala 1:5.000
P.A.I in scala 1:5.000
Cartografia PAI scala 1:5000
Carta geologica in scala 1:2.000 – 1:5000
Colonna stratigrafica
Caratteri geomorfometrici e Ubicazione indagini scala 1:500
Elaborato indagine sismica
Elaborato indagine geoelettrica
Elaborato indagine penetrometrica
Rap Rapporto Fotografico
I dati scaturiti dalla consultazione cartografica e bibliografica, dal geological survey of the country, from surveys and tests have allowed the reconstruction of the geomorphological model of the utmost distress.
Based on the characteristics of the subsurface stratigraphic and geometrical features, the 'instability detected can be classified as a landslide complex type and retrogressivo translatory movement, which evolves in the flow.
The landslide which governs the slope are related to rainfall scenarios and critical to the following factors:
or presence of a layer of soil that extends the carry-over in the first meters of depth.
or decay of shear strength parameters of soil involved in instability for the recurrence, in the same season, cycles of saturation and desaturation. Ø
the combined action of surface runoff and infiltration water in the first meters of depth, due to the complete saturation of the soil surface by altering the geomechanical and triggering the landslides.
or presence of high and low slope in the middle part of the slope.
or absence of a drainage system that would facilitate the free flow of water.
In reference to comments made on the subject of intervention in the following days to 'landslide, it was possible to obtain, through the measures in place, the geometric data of the landslide body that are given below: BODY LENGTH
~ 50 meters.
~ 20 meters.
~ 9 meters.
Analyzing the unstable phenomenon as a whole, we can say that the displacements and velocities are high in the paroxysmal stage, while on the move between pre-and post-fracture or subsequent rimobilitazioni are modest.
The phenomenon corresponding to more intense rainfall events, or in conjunction with seismic events including small claims, you may wake receding further and coming to affect the building in question and any underground present (sewer and water pipes etc..) and also mean a condition of threat to people living there.
For these reasons, it requires in order not to worsen even more disruption formed, the system immediately, through the works of drainage and sewerage, rain water so they are both removed from the body of the landslide that building. For the same reason, it requires proof of all the facilities of any kind (sewage, gray water, etc..) And to make appropriate waterproofing works and water conveyance.
Furthermore, in order to characterize the area in detail while offering geotechnical data in order to design interventions most appropriate measures to ensure security of persons and things, it requires at least two surveys immediately to make continuous core, including SPT in the hole and laboratory analysis. These actions will be executed immediately and in any case, work for the safety of the area and then the building connected to it, must be completed within 15 days from the date of issue of this report to avoid rainfall events, also at thunderstorms, typical of the summer, could lead to further deterioration of the state of the slope and aggravate existing risk. Given the high risk to which the subject area concerned, it also requires di non risiedere nel fabbricato in oggetto, fino alla ultimazione dei lavori di messa in sicurezza dell’area.
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